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New LotR Mithril Release: Gandalf & Gwaihir

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Puster Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

Looking great. One on the way to me.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Mithril Miniatures of Prince August Toy Factory writes:

Gandalf and Gwaihir
Gandalf was summoned to Isengard to meet with Saruman, but was imprisoned there when he refused to take part in Saruman's evil schemes. Radagast told Gwaihir, a Great Eagle, where Gandalf had gone (he had innocently carried the original message to Gandalf), and Gwaihir found Gandalf on the top of the tower of Orthanc. He carried Gandalf to safety.
Gandalf and Gwaihir

Mithril Miniatures has been producing officially licensed Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit metal collectible miniatures since 1988.

Our Fellowship Club is a collection of customers that suggest new ideas for us to produce every month. They vote on the monthly lists. Lifetime membership is only €20.90 EUR (includes a bonus figure and five magazines).

This model was suggested in November 2009 by one of our Fellowship members. If you want your idea to become reality, then join the Fellowship Club.

This is a 32mm scale metal miniature, primed with grey primer.

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