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Legio Heroica Announces Summer Sale

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El Mercenario writes:

I agree, these are superb miniatures indeed!

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Beppe Barbazeni of Legio Heroica writes:

I'll be absent for a holiday from July 3rd till July 14th. As compensation for this "inconvenience," from the 3rd till the 20th of July, I'll offer a 20% discount on orders of ordinary bags over €40.00 EUR (excluding P&P). This discount is valid for all of the ranges, but it's not applicable to FoG and regimental bags (already discounted).The figures will be dispatched on my return.

Crusader cavalry

I'm sorry, but I also have to inform you that - due to the continual increase of the production costs - I can't postpone slightly adjusting my prices to the new situation. The new prices will be valid from July 21st.

Pancerni cavalry

Many thanks for your support!

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