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Ork Kill Bursta & Kill Blasta Heavy Tanks [40K]

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Abwehrschlacht writes:

Holy Crap! £95? How many 15mm Brumbars would that buy? And the size of them? They are 10" by 5"! If the average gaming table is 6x4' then these things aren't even going to move anywhere! What's the point?

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Ead Brown of Forge World writes:

These two fearsome machines of destruction are variants on the Kill Krusha, nefarious brainchild of the Murda Meks of Tigrus. Both new kits come with a highly characterful Ork commander and Grot communication system, as well as additional turrets for even more dakka.

Kill Blasta Tank

With typical Ork ingenuity, Mekboys often nail huge rams and bulldozer blades to the front of what are collectively known as Kill Tanks - all the better to crush and bludgeon the enemy as these brutal vehicles plough through even the heaviest fire.

These huge models are hulking, slab-sided armoured behemoths: each model is around 10" long, 5" wide, and 5" high - take a look at the picture galleries to see these new Kill Tanks compared to other kits in the Warhammer 40,000 range.

Kill Bursta Tank

The Kill Bursta mounts a huge-bore Kannon capable of destroying bunkers and siegeworks with ease - the caliber of its devastating shells are such that a single round has even been known to tear the leg from a scout-class Titan (although this could be as much down to luck than the skill of the tank's crew). More pictures of the Kill Bursta can be found here.

The Kill Blasta mounts an insane array of Shootas, Gatlers and rapid-firing Kannons, collectively called a Giga-Shoota. This arsenal of dakka is wired to fire at the same time, engulfing anything unlucky enough to be within range in a fury of shot and shell, leaving nothing but scorched earth and fragments of flesh and armour. More pictures of the Kill Blasta can be found here.

Both Kill Tanks are full resin kits designed by Darren Parwood, with crew sculpted by Mark Bedford, and are available to order for immediate release.

Full rules and background for both the Kill Blasta and Kill Bursta will be included in the forthcoming Imperial Armour 8.

Ref: IA-ORK-T-034
Price: £95.00 GBP
Ref: IA-ORK-T-035
Price: £95.00 GBP