We are proud to release two new sets of models for our 15mm sci-fi range, the Heroes and Villains of the Sepulvedan Resistance.
Last year we contacted sculptor Tom Meier just out of curiosity, to see if he might take on a discreet 15mm project, and we were delighted when Tom agreed to work on some sci-fi character models. The models are meant to stand out on the 15mm gaming table, and we hope you agree that they will do so!
While these models have benefited from the beautiful brushwork of the Paintrix herself, Jennifer Haley, we think you'll have great fun lavishing attention on them to give them your own unique stamp.

First up is that shrinking violet herself, the Genocidal Overlord Jellina Jo-eli I. Having seized control of the Jo-el Freehold by having her nearly-as-diabolical brother shot into the void of space, she shows no more mercy to her subjects as she squeezes them dry for her own selfish aims.

In order to assure that her reign of terror extends to even her most powerful subjects, Jellina has retained the services of a Hesha Assassin, Lily6. The most dreaded and expert killers in all known space, the Hesha Adepts are trained from infancy by the Old Man of the Rock, an ancient droid who sits on a hover platform and has compiled all knowledge in the galaxy on the subject of expunging life. For the right fee, he will loan out one of his trained killers to penetrate the safest sanctuary and snuff out the most heavily guarded or redoubtable target. Their power daggers and heterostasis pistols are deadly, but nothing can match the lethality of the body of the Hesha Assassin herself, each motion perfectly tuned to cease the functions of life in any organism. So adept are they at balance and poise, it is said they can walk barefoot without dirtying their soles or burning their feet on a surface of molten rock.

Against such diabolical foes it is fortunate indeed that the Sepulvedan Resistance can call on two extraordinary heroes. Leading the resistance is Dave Rimmer, a scientist who conducted experiments for Jellina until he comprehended the horror of her fiendish goals and fled to Sepulveda, the epicenter of resistance to her rule, to undo the ghastly work he had unwittingly assisted. A veritable one-man army, Rimmer is armed to the teeth with an experimental anti-matter gun, a shotgun for close encounters, and even a crude but effective close-combat object to pry open any reluctant passageway. So great and inspirational is his leadership on Sepulveda, so unstoppable are his assaults, that the Federal Marines themselves take his counsel and admire him as an incomparable, just warrior.

By his side, teaching him the ways of her exotic planet, is Desiree Kim, the orphaned daughter of scientists, who appears young and slight but is tough and tactically gifted, a deadly shot with her custom plasma pistol, and a virtual spider at climbing sheer walls. This young woman motivates and guides the Resistance fighters in their deadly encounters with the sinister Control Battalions and, with Dave Rimmer, seeks to secure freedom for the people of Sepulveda 7.
These extraordinary models are available now! They are codes TTC-1901 and TTC-1403 respectively.