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Orc Warlord & Shaman for Battle Axe

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f u u f n f writes:

I don't know these products myself. But I have some of the companies other games. Yes the artwork is not the greatest, but the games are very entertaining.
I have their Dark Dungeons series and Arena, also a couple other small games too.
Don't let the artwork put you off, the games are good.

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Wargame Vault announces the availability of:

Battle Axe Orc Warlord

Orc Warlord

Orcs rule by strength, both of will and muscle, and thus the strongest, most nasty of the Orcs rise in power. Only one can rule, though, and only as long as that Orc remains strong. The Orc warlord is everything good and bad about the Orc race, their need to dominate and their thirst for gold and terror.

  • Full stats
  • FAQ of all their cards
  • 8 Full Color cards, X3 Common, X2 Uncommon, X2 Rare and One unique.

A must if you plan to run Orcs in a Battle Axe game.

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Battle Axe Orc Shaman

Orc Shaman

Called Bonedancers, the Orcish shaman is the spiritual leader of the clan and the warlord's advisor and guide. It is to the shaman that the warlord seeks advice and council, and it is shaman that often devises the next cunning plan to kill a rival or to conquer a new land.

  • Full stats
  • FAQ of all their cards
  • 8 Full Color cards, X3 Common, X2 Uncommon, X2 Rare and One unique.

Add some Orcish magic to the mix, and watch your foes flee in terror.

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Note that this is not a full game, you will need Battle Axe to use these products.