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New 6mm Buildings from Les Batiment

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Go0gle writes:

Oh man…those would be perfect for a game of Wardogs or three…

*ponders how to bribe the wife*

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Hank Lubbers of Les Batiment writes:

Les Batiment has released several new 6mm or microarmor scale buildings.

Modern factory

First item, 06-IN-008, a modern factory. This building sells for $8.00 USD.

Chemical work

Next, we have 06-IN-009, a two-piece small chemical work for only $4.00 USD!

Modular ruined factory

And next comes our modular ruined factory: this beauty will allow you to re-create anything from a small machine shop to a sprawling tank factory. The pieces for this item are:

06-IN-011 Left side module with RR dock;
06-11-012 Right side module with RR dock;
06-IN-013 RR dock straight wall;
06-IN-019 Corner Module (all of these are $4 USD each);
06-IN-014 Straight wall;
06-IN-015 Convex Corner (both of these for $3 USD each)
06-IN-017 a bag of rubble so that you can 'decorate' the interior of your factory


We will also release a line of 6mm metal machine-shop tools, like a drill press, etc., etc.

All our models are sold as unpainted white-resin products.