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Fictional Reality Coming to an End

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mtheurer writes:

Hello everyone,

First off, thanks very much to all of you for your kind comments. I am humbled to know how much you all liked FR. I enjoyed doing it, but it was time for a change.

I've had several requests from various sites regarding the back catalog of FR. I've decided that rather than try to sell it or just pull it from circulation completely that I'll allow any gaming site to house copies of the FR catalog for download. The only requests I make are that the issues not be broken up and are left intact and that I'm given (Mark Theurer proper credit as the publisher. I feel that this is the fairest thing to do (sharing it with the whole gaming community) because without the support of pretty much everyone out there I'm sure that I'd have packed it up much sooner than now.

Again, thanks very much for your kind comments and good gaming to everyone!

Mark Theurer

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mtheurer of Fictional Reality writes:

Hello, everyone!

With a new year beginning, there's also an end coming to something that I've worked on for almost ten years now. I will be shutting down Fictional Reality, and the recent December 2009 issue will be the last.

Fictional Reality - December 2009

I'd like to thank everyone who's had anything at all to do with Fictional Reality over the past several years. I feel like if I single out any one person or group to thank first that I'd be doing a disservice to the others, so, in no particular order I'd like to thank...

...the readers, the advertisers, those that sent in stuff to be reviewed, those that wrote articles, gaming websites that have helped post news of Fictional Reality, and the co-editors that I've had over the years. I hope that I didn't forget anyone. If so, I'm sorry. Many thanks to all of you!

I'll be leaving the Fictional Reality site up for a while, but it will be coming down at some point. If there are issues you want to grab, better get them while the getting is good.

Now, I'm not vanishing from the gaming scene. Not by a long shot. I'll be posting news on a new project that I'm working on soon, but this is really to let everyone know that Fictional Reality has come to an end, and to offer my thanks to everyone that had anything at all to do with it. It's been an enjoyable ten (almost) years, and I've had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people in the gaming/hobby industry.


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