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Legio Heroica's 15mm Crusader Army: New Pictures

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olderivertowne writes:

Order your unpainted Crusader minis from us at Olde Rivertowne Miniatures before we run out! We have received what will be our last shipment from Legio Heroica.

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10,515 hits since 15 Jan 2009

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Beppe Barbazeni of Legio Heroica writes:

You can now see in the gallery page of my website the new pictures of my 15mm Crusader army, ready to meet with Saladin.

King Baldwin the IV

By the way, I'd like to remind everybody that the 20% discount sale is going on up to the 25th of January.

The line of battle

Enjoy the pictures!!!

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