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Launch of Under Fire Miniatures

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Under Fire Miniatures writes:

The ranges will be expanded early next year. In the meantime though I'll be releasing some ultra modern Brits and 2008 Russians.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Bill Weston of Under Fire Miniatures writes:

Announcing the launch of Under Fire Miniatures, a new venture selling 20mm scale miniatures for the wargames, modelling, and collectors market.

Rhodesian troops

The time frame covers World War II to ultra-modern, and encompasses the range formally marketed by Martello International, whose moulds and production rights I bought recently.

A new range of 2010 Afghan British is in production and will be released within the month, along with a range of 2008 modern Russians. Current ranges will be added to as the production moulds come online.

Prices include post and packing. Payment can be made via PayPal, or cheque (in GBP).

WWII Italians

Ranges are as follows:

WWII German, 3 packs.
WWII Italians, 1 pack.
WWII Russians, 4 packs.
Peace in Galilee Israelis, 1 pack.
Rhodesian Light Infantry, 2 packs. 2 packs of Selous Scouts to come.
British in Helmand, 2 packs. 1 pack to come.
Afghan Taliban, 1 pack.

Under development and to be released within the month is a range of ultra-modern British infantry wearing the new helmets and body armour. Two of these figures will be carrying the new 7.62mm designated-marksmen rifle.

Also awaiting release is a new range of modern Russians, based around the 2008 Russia/Georgia conflict. There will be a mixture of figures with standard and Sphera helmets, and a nice range of support weapons.

Finally, there will be the release of two packs of S.A.S. in Afghanistan and four packs of Vietnam figures.

The website is a work in progress, so please check back for regular updates.

For more information