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Eureka Releases More 18mm Mexican-American War

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John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

There are some good sets at the Mex Am War yahoo group in the Files section.




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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

Eureka Miniatures are pleased to announce some further additions to our 18mm Mexican-American War 1846-48 range. Sculpted by Mike Broadbent, these new figures include Texas Rangers, Mexican infantry in 'irregular' hats, Mexican Presidial cavalry, and staff sets for both sides.

18mm Mexican-American War mounted Texas Rangers

Together with the rest of our 18mm Mexican-American War (1846-48) range, these new releases now allow you to recreate all the principal units associated with this conflict. Mike Broadbent has sculpted the Texas Rangers in both mounted and dismounted roles, as well as some "2nd line" Mexican infantry in an assortment of "irregular" and civilian headgear. The latter should compliment very nicely the smarter, regulation uniform battalions flaunting themselves at the front of your Mexican army! We can also supply you with Mexican Presidial Lancers, and a couple of very nice staff sets for both the Mexican and U.S. armies, each containing a selection of mounted and dismounted command figures.

In keeping with the usual Eureka philosophy, all the basic rank-and-file figures come in multiple variants, so the collector can build realistic and attractive-looking units for the tabletop. All the appropriate command figures are provided as well.

For now, this completes the miniatures we intend to make for this range, with all the principal units and uniform types represented. However, we are aware that we haven't provided figures for one or two unique units with particularly distinctive uniforms. These include the Tulancingo Cuirassiers and the Hussars of the Supreme Power. We would also like to produce some U.S "Flying" Artillery in full dress uniform, as well as basic limbers for both the Mexican and U.S. artillery, but we will only be making these if there is enough demand for them from you - the customers.

So, if you would like to add some of these units to your Mexican-American War collection, we invite you to pre-order them via our 300 Club, so that we can gauge the level of customer interest. If enough confirmed pre-orders are received in the sort of quantities that will make it viable for us, we will put the figures into production.

Alternatively, you might like to make some suggestions of your own for figures we could add to the Mexican-American range. If so, you can submit a request via the 300 Club. Pre-ordering these figures will be a little bit different from our normal 300 Club practice, as we will be offering them as 12-figure cavalry "regiment" packs, or complete limber sets, rather than individual figures. However, this means we will require far fewer pre-orders than the usual 600 to get them up and running.

18mm Mexican-American War Texas Rangers

Here are the catalogue details of the new miniatures:


Designed & sculpted by Mike Broadbent

Number in parenthesis denotes the number of variants

300MAW19 Texas Ranger, dismounted (4)
300MAW20 Texas Ranger Officer, dismounted (1)
300MAW21 Texas Ranger Standard Bearer, dismounted (1)
300MAW22 Texas Ranger, mounted (4)
300MAW23 Texas Ranger Officer, mounted (1)
300MAW24 Texas Ranger Standard Bearer, mounted (1)
300MAW25 U.S. Staff Officer set (6 figures: 3 mounted; 3 dismounted)
300MAW56 Mexican Line Infantry, in irregular hats, marching (4)
300MAW57 Mexican Line Infantry, in irregular hats, skirmishing (4)
300MAW58 Mexican Presidial Lancer (3)
300MAW59 Mexican Presidial Lancer Officer (1)
300MAW60 Mexican Presidial Bugler (1)
300MAW61 Mexican Staff Officer set (6 figures: 3 mounted; 3 dismounted)

These new releases - and the rest of the 18mm Mexican-American War range - are also available from our U.K. distributor, Fighting15s.



40mm dismounted U.S. Dragoon drawing his sword

For a strictly limited time (until our next new release), if you order $75.00 AUD worth* (or more) from our 18mm Mexican-American War range (including previous releases), you will receive a free 40mm display figure of a dismounted U.S. Dragoon drawing his sword. This beautifully animated figure is sculpted by Mike Broadbent, and comes complete with a presentation base.

*Excluding 'Goods and Services Tax' (payable by Australian customers) and exclusive of shipping.

For more information