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MechWarrior: Solaris VII to Debut With 4 Action Packs

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Highland Piper writes:

Although you could win a battle without infantry or artillary where is the fun in that? Read the Battletech and Mechwarrior books as well, the armies in the books are mostly consisted of infantry and tanks.

I can easily take down a Mech army with just infantry, tanks and artillary.

As for "Large scale battles" I just finished playing a 3,000 point battle the other day. You can still play skirmish to grand scale with Mechwarrior.

Back on topic. I'm excited about the new Solaris VII line but will be upset about the lack of non-mech figures in the future.

I also agree about the "Jumped Ship" although I hope it is not true. WizKids is coming out with Army Action packs as well and unlike their other games when they started to jump ship (Mage Knight, and Dungeons), WizKids have been pointing out that they are not abandoning the game yet.

Lets hope not.

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Jenny Berg of WizKids writes:

The search for fame and glory has lured many MechWarriors to the gladiatorial splendor of the Solaris VII arenas. Legends like Danai Liao-Centrella and Yulri Wolf earned their notoriety by competing and triumphing in the no-holds-barred, 'Mech-on-'Mech duels of the planet's combative environment. Will you become the next MechWarrior to reign at Solaris VII?

This Solaris VII Action Pack features new rules to handle the nuances of 'Mech-on-'Mech combat, as well as other features never seen before in the MechWarrior game universe!

WZK2313 – MechWarrior Solaris VII Light-Class Action Pack $29.99 USD

Light 'Mech

8 light-class 'Mechs: Hellion, Koshi, Nyx, Rokurokubi, Solitaire, Spider, Vixen, and the never-before-seen Cadaver!

WZK2315 – MechWarrior Solaris VII Medium-Class Action Pack $29.99 USD

Medium 'Mech

6 medium-class 'Mechs: Centurion, Eisenfaust, Night Stalker, Violator, and the never-before-seen Exhumer and Gravedigger!

WZK2317 – MechWarrior Solaris VII Heavy-Class Action Pack $29.99 USD

Heavy 'Mech

6 heavy-class 'Mechs: Catapult, Cave Lion, Neanderthal, Rifleman, Warwolf, and the all-new Mortis!

WZK2319 – MechWarrior Solaris VII Assault-Class Action Pack $29.99 USD

Assault 'Mech

4 assault-class 'Mechs: Battlemaster, Kodiak, Shrike, and the highly sought-after Daishi!

Expected Release: August 2007