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MSC: New Figures, Discounts & Coming Attractions

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Skeptic writes:

It would be nice if Redoubt would put photos of the new figures up on the website.

Agreed! I did a search for their Vikings the other day, but not come up with any likely image hits among the first few pages …

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2,758 hits since 1 Jan 2008

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Doug MSC of Miniature Service Center writes:

More French Marines from Redoubt's 25mm French & Indian War Range


F&I 140 - French Marines loading and firing

$12.00 USD per pack of six, at the moment

F&I 141  ADVANCING (in various poses)
F&I 142 FIGHTING HAND TO HAND (in various poses)

Evidently both Front Rank and Redoubt will be raising their prices in January.

We will no longer be carrying GMB flags. All stock is being sold at 25% discount from now until January 31, 2008


On existing stock only. 50% discount on the following Redoubt ranges (no other discounts apply).

(Now until Jan. 31, 2008)

The American Revolution - The English Civil War - The French Foreign Legion

Napoleonic Wars - Pirates - The Sudan - The Zulu Wars - The Early Italian Wars

The Renaissance - The Trojan War - The Victorian Period - Wellington in India

The Vikings - Body's Banners - Body's Bits

(We will no longer be carrying stock on these ranges listed above, but will still be able to get them for our customers.)

Coming in January-February 2008 from the 40mm Trident Designs AWI ranges:

  1. More Indians for the "SETTLEMENTS ABLAZE" range
  2. More Smugglers for the "SEA FERRERS" range
  3. More British Regulars for the "BATTLE ROAD" range
  4. Beginning our new range called "RAIDS & REVENGE" (the various raids with Francis Marion)
  5. Beginning our new range called "OVER THE HILL" (the Battle of King's Mountain)

(Prices on Trident and Vanguard figures will not be raised.)

For more information