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Decals Available for Star Fleet Battles Miniatures

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hobbybob writes:

Hi all! Sorry about any problems with the Pomroy Productions web site; I'm working on a better one. In the mean time if you have trouble with the shopping cart, you can reach me directly at, and place orders that way. I can send you an invoice for the correct amount.

I'm looking for pictures of your ships with my decals… There was a day when I could paint details well, but now the neighbor's dog paints better than I do. So send me your pictures (GIFs or JPGs). If I use them in the gallery, you'll get credit for the photo and a free strip of decals of your choice.

I'd be happy to make custom decals for larger-scale models. Just send me the dimensions of the ship, the ship's name and any other specific details you'd like, and I'll get back to you with a price quote.


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Bob Pomroy of Pomroy Productions writes:

A new decal manufacturer has entered the sci-fi market: Pomroy Productions offers over 50 different products for the Federation, Terran Empire, Klingons, Romulans, Gorn, Kzinti, Lyrans, WYN, and ISC.

Federation and Terran Empire Enterprises

Decals are sold in strips (2½ x 8½), ½ sheets (5½ x 8½), and sheets (8½ x 11). Strips sell for $2.99 USD, ½ sheets for $4.99 USD, and sheets for $9.99 USD.

For the Federation, strips are sold by class (Frigate, Destroyer, etc.) and usually include about ten ships per strip. The decals included are the ship name and number for the top of the saucer, banners for the engineering section and the engines (the engines also carry the ship's number), and the ship number and "landing legs" for the saucer bottom. An additional decal sheet is available for miscellaneous details, such as impulse engine markings, phaser and photon torpedo emplacements, squadron leader markings, etc.

Two Romulan Eagles

For the other nations, insignia and lettering is available in multiple sizes.

Pomroy Productions can also produce custom decals. Check the website for additional photos and specials.

For more information