The launch of Fanticide (the 28mm fantasy skirmish game of homicidal warbands) is well on now, and we thought we would profile each race.
The four races covered in the rulebook are:

Don't forget, the rulebook also has full rules on creating your own warbands, as well!
Since it is Halloween Week, we thought we would delve into the Creeps, as we explore the Fanticide warbands in depth:
Creep Background
The Underside of Nowhere lies in constant darkness. It is an upside-down world, with the sky filled with the craggy bottom of Nowhere and the Nothing Below One's Feet. The crags and spires that hang in the void are crossed with paths, tunnels, caves and the ruins of former times. It is a forbidding place, full of strange and horrible monsters.
Of all the denizens that make their way Topside, the Creeps are the most common. While adverse to bright light, the Creeps have been known to hunt in the full light of day when hungry enough. For that is all the Creeps do – eat. For some reason, completely unknown and almost certainly too horrible to even imagine, they only eat the skin of their victims.

It's a horrifying and not altogether rare sight to come across a field of corpses, stripped of their skin. More ghastly still is the stench and slime as the bizarre fungus herds, other denizens of Underside that follow the Creep bands, ever so slowly crawl across the landscape devouring the remains of the Creeps' grizzly feast.
Creeps hunt in the dark and at night, mostly in roving brands. The smallest are no taller than a man's knee. The most numerous are slightly smaller than a man, and carry rocks, primitive clubs, and spears tipped with flint or bone. Larger versions of the same creatures carry the same simple weaponry, but are powerful and resilient due to their size. The largest Creeps ever seen are the Creepy Mothers, and every warband has one. They are very large, easily two to three times the height of a man, and seemingly in a constant state of birthing or budding off new Creeps. These start as little creatures no more than a foot high, which scurry about the feet of their mother until they are large enough to form into swarms.
Creeps are eerily silent, and utter no sound of any kind. They rove in loose bands until they come across potential victims, and then slowly gather. Finally, the Creepy Mother makes an appearance, opens her broad mouth in a silent scream, and so stirs the entire Creep band into a frenzied attack. Creeps all have a large singular eye; quite good at seeing in the dark, and underneath their eye they have wide, gaping mouths full of flesh-stripping teeth.

A Creep Warband with Clubbers, Crushers, and a Creepy Mother!
Photo blocked by adult filter:
"Creep sizes"

Freshly spawned Creepy Crawlies!
The Creep List looks like this:
Creep Starter Warband - 23 models and a Creepy Mother - $99.00 USD
28mm Assorted Creeps - six models - $16.00 USD
40mm Creep Crushers - four models with options - $28.00 USD
Creepy Crawlies - four eye puddles and seven 18mm Creeps - $18.00 USD
All of the above packs come with all the necessary Renedra bases.
Still to come are Fungal Crawlers, a Monster Creep, and Creep Tossers.

For more information, please visit for the store, videos of game play, forums, and much more.