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Vendel Miniatures Now Available in the Americas

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1ngram writes:

So where in the UK can I buy Vendel figures from today? Anywhere? Or do I go to the US? And if so where?

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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SMPress of Sgt Major Miniatures writes:

Sgt Major Miniatures in the U.S., and Vendel Miniatures in the U.K., have reached an agreement that names SGMM as the distributor for Vendel Miniatures' line of historical 28mm miniatures in North America. Vendel's product line has been added to the SGMM website. Stock arrived today, and we are ready to fulfill orders. There are a few part numbers that we do not have, as stock was limited on the U.K. side. Those part numbers will be following on in a second shipment in the next week or two. We are also taking advance orders on all of our product lines for easy pick-up at Historicon.

Vendel models

Now that we are well stocked, we are prepared to speak with any vendors interested in carrying any of our product lines here in the states. We welcome Brick and Mortar Stores, Internet Stores, and Convention Vendors alike. Send an email to for further details on terms if you are interested. We are willing to supply any single line that we distribute, or multiple lines - your choice. Our current offerings include Mutineer Miniatures 28mm Indian Mutiny, Vendel Miniatures 28mm Historical lines, and our own Sgt Major Miniatures 20mm WWII.

Thanks for considering us for your hard-earned dollars!

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