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GZG: A Little Contest for Full Thrust "Unknown Fleet"

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Gary Mitchell Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

They look very 'precise' to me, so the beings inside might be droids or machines. With galactic domination machinations. How about the 'Roids'?

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ZeroGee2 of Ground Zero Games writes:

Recently, we previewed a new fleet of Full Thrust starships which as yet has no name, nation or race attached to them! Basically, I had the idea for the ship designs and wanted to do a couple, but had not decided who they should "belong" to in the GZG-verse.

FT1605 and 1609

So, as I still haven't made up my mind on it, I thought we'd run a little impromptu contest for it!

What we'd like you to do is to send us your ideas for the name and background of the new fleet. While it needs to fit somewhere into the GZG-verse background (as used in FT, Dirtside and Stargrunt), it doesn't have to be a nation or power that we've already mentioned in canon; you can do any of the following:

  1. A nation that exists in the GZG-verse canon which doesn't already have it's own fleet, examples being (but not limited to) the Dutch, the Indonesians, the PAU, the LLAR etc..... If you're going this route, what we would be looking for is some background fluff on ship and fleet design philosophy that fits both the style of the minis and the position of the nation/power in the 'verse.
  2. A new human nation or power of your own devising, set within the GZG-verse but not already mentioned in canon - for example, a breakaway group of outer colonies - in this case, we'd like some background as to how and why they turn up with a fleet of rather high-tech-looking ships....
  3. A new alien race that fits the look and feel of the ships - if you go this way, some background material on their fleet design and technology would be helpful, though you don't have to go into a full set of separate rules for them at this stage unless you want to, of course!

So, it's a pretty open brief - feel free to send us anything from a couple of hastily scribbled paragraphs to a whole sourcebook!

If we feel that an idea is right for the new fleet, then you'll get the credit for coming up with it, plus a free fleet of the ships as they are released (this may come in several batches as we produce the various classes).

We reserve the right to make use of any and all entries in whole or part as we see fit, and to edit, alter or amend any chosen winning entry as necessary; if we end up using partial ideas from several entries, we'll try to ensure that all those contributing to the finished product will get a selection of free minis in some sort of proportion to the stuff we use.

All entries should be submitted directly to me by email, to, preferably as attached MS Word files or PDFs. Please put "GZG Mystery Fleet Contest" in the subject heading of your email.

There is no set closing date - we'll keep it open until either we get an entry that we really like, or we come up with something ourselves!

So get thinking....


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