We have have our new site up-and-running at last! There are a few problems to be ironed out, mainly a few missing pictures that were on the old site and a few missing items, and we will be trying to fix this over the next few weeks.
Hopefully the new site will make shopping much easier. We have rearranged several of the categories, and added some new ones!
We have also rebranded with a new logo and new packaging!
Everyone will need to re-register on the new site - so to encourage you to do so, we will be having a 20% off sale from now until 23rd June. Please see the website for details: blackcatbases.com.
We are releasing our new Jazz band!
We have a Pianist:
A Double Bassist:
A Drummer:
And a Saxophonist:
They can also be purchased as a group: