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Soviet Guns from Bolt Action

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WillieB writes:

That 45 mm will be bolstering my Republican forces!

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Si of BoltAction writes:

Bolt Action have recently released two new anti-tank guns and crews for their Soviet range - the 45mm and the ZIS 3.


These guns give our Soviets some much needed anti-armour capability, and are ideal for adding some punch to your attack or prepared ambush.

These are white-metal kits, with three crew and a textured resin Y-shaped base.

The ZIS 3 was mastered by Nigel Higgins and the crew created by Paul Hicks. It will be joined by the ZIS 2 and a limber very shortly.

45mm ATG

You can tow both with our Komsomolets artillery tractor.

As usual, they are in 1:56th scale (28mm), are supplied unpainted, and are available from our webshop right now.

For more information