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GZG: First Look at New FSE SDN

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ZeroGee2 writes:

Production mould made today, and the new Charlemagne class is rolling (floating?) out of the shipyards faster than you can say "Zut alors" in a bad French accent….
Get yours now, and give those NSL devils a taste of Garlic (sorry, Gallic) Space Power!


Jon (GZG)

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ZeroGee2 of Ground Zero Games writes:

A few "teaser" pics of the all-new FSE (Federal Stats Europa) Superdreadnought for Full Thrust!

FSE Superdreadnought

Just master-moulded today, we'll be making production moulds straight after this Bank Holiday weekend, so it'll be available for sale after Tuesday 29th; price £12.00 GBP.

FSE Superdreadnought

The pics in white are of the original master sculpt prior to casting, showing the 5 parts that the mini is made up from; the grey-primered one is a first-off metal casting from the master mould with a quick spray coat!

FSE Superdreadnought master parts

If anyone is placing an order with us this weekend (remember that the 3 introductory pack deals on NSL ships end on Thursday 31st - see our news post from last week) and wants to add one (or several!) of the new FSE SDN as a pre-order, just ask for them in the "comments" field at the online checkout and we'll add them to the order.

FSE Superdreadnought (master)

Watch for the rest of the new-style FSE fleet over the coming weeks.

Happy Thrusting (oo-er...) and don't forget the painting contest we're running for the new-style NSL ships!


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