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28mm Dark Age Cavalry from Tanatus Miniatures

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unknown member writes:

Hi Cheriton

I can't think of one to be honest. Roys detail is much finer than Historical designers usually go. He is a good friend of Perry M&A, they must have shared design tips so if there is a close range Perry Miniatures is probably it.

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unknown member of North Star writes:

Tanatus Miniatures, the Dark Age range owned by designer R. J. Eastland, has added two new cavalry packs to the line.

Dark Age Pictish horsemen

The first pack is of three Pictish cavalrymen, and the second pack is a Saxon mounted command. Each pack costs £7.50 GBP.

Dark Age Saxon mounted command

The Tanatus range is purely early Medieval, in Roy's words:

These figures can be used for a variety of "dark age" games from the late Roman period to early medieval times. The initial inspiration for this range was the famous Pictish "Aberlemno Stone" which is believed to depict warfare between Picts and Northumbrians in the 7th century.

I have put new photos of the whole range on the North Star website. If you've not seen this wonderful range from Roy, please visit the site and have a look.

Tanatus Miniatures are 28mm-sized, made of pewter, and supplied unpainted.