The preview packs we had on sale at Salute went down well, and now Mike Owen and I are working on the extra figures to make them up into sets of three. With luck, they should be released some time in mid-May.
You can see some painted figures here and here, here and here.
Meanwhile, Nick Lund is working on a set of KKBB rules that will be a bit more atmospheric than most skirmish rules - with all the classic character types (heroic agents, horrible henchmen, guards in boiler suits who can't shoot straight, etc.) plus some more unusual ones like Fatal Distractions (at last, a tactical use for Air Hostesses and Bikini Babes). All set against our acronym-packed background:
The 1960's: the Berlin Wall has gone up, the Iron Curtain has descended, the Eastern and Western Blocs face each other in implacable hostility, their armies poised and their nuclear missiles primed.
And yet beneath the surface, a secret and even more desperate struggle is being fought. This battle is one in which all the world's governments must unite against a common foe, a cabal of evil geniuses and master criminals known as V.I.R.U.S.
To counter V.I.R.U.S., they have created a worldwide secret organisation, equipped with the most up-to-date technology: The Agency for the Neutralisation of Terror Internationally, known as A.N.T.I.