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Cardstock Modern Terrain: The Shops

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sjwalker38 writes:

How about classic British 1950-s terrace houses and corner shop to go with the pub (think Coronation street): we'd need loads of them!

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4,104 hits since 25 Nov 2011

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Gav Tyler of Warm Acre writes:

Specifically designed for our No-Go-Zone game system, we have recently released the following cardstock buildings that can be used in many different games set in an urban Britain.

The Shops – Cardstock Building

This cardstock model, once constructed, will give you a realistic three-dimensional high street of shops for your 28mm scale miniatures. Ideal for any modern wargame (1950s to present, and beyond). Whether it's a background during a zombie outbreak, invasion by Spatz-Natz on British soil, or as a location on a street devolved into violence, you will find The Shops as a great addition to the tabletop. This model is simple to construct, and there are some basic instructions to help you build The Shops.

Available now from Wargame Vault.

The Shops

Already released:

"The Pub" – Cardstock Building

The Pub

Available now from Wargame Vault.

Road Sections for 28mm Wargaming

Available now from Wargame Vault.

Vehicles for Modern 28mm Wargaming

Available now from Wargame Vault.

We are currently working on more cardstock buildings, including the Night Club, and will release them over the next few weeks.

For more information