Force of Arms are pleased to offer their latest 1/56th resin-cast vehicle for the Spanish Civil War, the Chevrolet M37 armoured car. This was locally manufactured, based on the Chevrolet truck chassis, inspired by the BA-6 Soviet armoured car.

This will be initially offered with the original Spanish turret, with a short 47mm gun (Catalogue number VEH19). Additionally, a variant with the T26B turret instead will be available soon (as VEH 19B). Both these versions saw significant action from 1937 onwards and, although Republican built, the Nationalist forces were quick to repair and press into service captured vehicles.

The second photo shows a comparison in size between the M37 and BA-6 (VEH18). As you can see, the M37 is actually quite a bit longer.
It is a new and interesting vehicle which can add to your enjoyment of SCW games. Although not seen outside Spain, I have a feeling that Pulp gamers might see a use too for this intriguing armoured car.
Next week, I hope to have photos of the Command Pz1, which will be suitable for both Spain and WWII.