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Planned Releases from Grand Manner

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legatushedlius writes:

I'm sure that I bought a much larger Greek galley from Grand Manner a few years ago but it doesn't seem to be on the website…

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1:600 Xebec

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3,032 hits since 10 Oct 2010

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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dampfpanzerwagon Fezian reports:

Dave at Grand Manner has included a new section on his shop webpage which details 'New' and 'On The Workbench' models or 'masters' which are yet to be cast in resin.

The planned launch date is early November, in time for Crisis in Antwerp.

28mm Greek Ship

The initial set of images feature 28mm Ancient Greek, additional 28mm Medieval town models, and the start of a new 28mm European building range.

I am aware that there are lots more to come, as I have been producing masters for Grand Manner.

28mm Merchants House

In addition, there is a reduced shipping/postage offer running at the moment - see his webpage for full details.

For more information