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Eric Wujcik Passes Away Quietly

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Tom Bryant writes:

Peace be with you Erick. You have given us great joy and hapiness. Viya Con Dios sir.

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Kevin Siembieda of Palladium Books announces:

Beloved roleplaying game designer Erick Wujcik passed away Saturday evening, June 7, 2008. He died from complications related to pancreatic and liver cancer. Kathryn Kozora, his sweetheart of nearly 30 years, and other loved ones were at his side.

Erick Wujcik

Erick was diagnosed with cancer in late November 2007, and was given 6-8 weeks to live. True to Erick's indomitable spirit and zest for life, he proved the doctors wrong by lasting more than six months. Most of that time was spent with friends and loved ones.

Erick Wujcik's accomplishments are many.

To the roleplaying game community, Erick is best known for his many RPG games and contributions to Palladium Books, including The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles RPG, several TMNT sourcebooks, After the Bomb RPG and sourcebooks for it, Ninjas & Superspies, Mystic China, Rifts China One and Two, Revised RECON, Wolfen Empire and many others. He is also famous for Amber Diceless, the first truly "diceless" roleplaying game, published under Erick's own label, Phage Press. Erick also published Amberzine and founded Ambercon, a series of conventions celebrating gaming, friendship and the world of Amber, hosted at numerous locations around the world.

Erick Wujcik was also the founder, heart and soul of the Detroit Gaming Center, served as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Game Design at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2003-2008), and worked in the videogame industry for the last several years, including UbiSoft China and most recently, as Senior Game Design/Writer at Totally Games, Novato, California.

Erick Wujcik's greatest accomplishment, however, is his contagious joy for life and love of ideas and imagination that inspired people around the world. Whether they were one of his students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, fellow game designers, or fans sitting in the audience at a convention or seminar listening to Erick speak, to those who had the pleasure of gaming with Erick (he loved to run games at conventions and everywhere he went), to those who knew him best, they couldn't help but to love him. Even the millions who only knew him through his published works or communicated with him online, considered him a friend.

Erick is survived by Kathyrn Kozora, Kate's granddaughter (his beloved Sara), mother Nora, sister Peggy, his Aunt Mary and Uncle Sam and Nancy, along with dozens of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews.

Erick's last months of life were the same as he had always lived, full of friendship, joy, grace and beauty. He went quietly into the night, like a snowflake falling gently from the heavens.

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