Reinforcements for our Modern U.S. Marines have arrived. Three sets of heavy weapons teams, comprising one SMAW team and two M240 machinegun teams, all sculpted by Kosta Heristanidis, are now available. Made to the same exacting standards as Kosta's earlier figures, these additions will give some much-needed fire support to our existing U.S.M.C. rifle squads. The opposition have also been upgraded with some precision marksmen and SAW support. Plus, for those more 'discrete' missions, eight 'private contractors' now have their boots on the ground.

First up, a two-man SMAW team ready to fire their weapon. The SMAW (Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon) fires a High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) warhead, and is used currently as a bunker buster.
Next, we have not one, but two M240 machine-gun teams. All set up and ready to fire, the firing team come complete with their own diorama bases featuring broken wall and rubble.
The second team are on their feet and on the move, perfect for depicting troops on the tabletop as they move between firing positions.

Two of the new Afghans are armed with the SVD Dragunov sniper rifle, and two with the RPD light machinegun. The fifth figure in this new release represents a sniper of the 'Black Guard', he has a scoped G-3 rifle and appropriated 'battle rattle' as befits his elite status.

The PMC have a variety of personalized weaponry and webbing. Whether you choose to assign them to current conflicts or hold them back for use against zombie hordes, they will hold their own in any situation.
100MOD57 - U.S. Marine Corps S.M.A.W. team – two-figure set (1)
100MOD58 - U.S. Marine Corps M240 Machine gun team, firing – two figures and bases (1)
100MOD59 - U.S. Marine Corps M240 Machine gun team, moving – two figures (1)
100MOD81 - Afghan Guerrilla sniper, with SVD Dragunov sniper rifle (2)
100MOD82 - Afghan Guerrilla, with RPD light machinegun (2)
100MOD83 - Afghan 'Black Guard' sniper, with scoped G-3 rifle (1)
100MOD96 - Private Military Contractors – set of eight figures
The Surgical Strike Deal
One of each of all the above figures, for the special price of $50.00 AUD (plus GST if shipping in Australia). This deal will be in place until our next new release.