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WKeyser writes:

It is a very very dangerous place, you start by knowing what you are looking for then something else catches your eye then you see something else. You end up with more books than you can hide under your shirt as you slink home and tell she who must be obeyed that no those are not new books you have had them for years. Which never worked but it was always worth the attempt!

A great shop and Dennis is great to deal with and a great guy.

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1,673 hits since 18 Jun 2009

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP of On Military Matters writes:

We search the world's publishers to bring you the very best books and magazines covering Napoleonic topics.

From Le Livre Chez Vou of France comes a pair of books and three magazines:

LA COROGNE: Les aigles en Galice

LA COROGNE: Les aigles en Galice. Sized 9x12, it covers the 1808-1809 campaign in Spain. B/w and color illust/drawings and maps. 1 vol, 500 pgs $180 USD

LES GARDES HONNEUR VUES par deux artistes. Sized 9.5x12, it contains 140 illustrations by Charles Brun, 200 illust by Henry Boisselier, and 100 by various others. All in color. 1 vol, 500 pgs $229 USD

GLOIRE & EMPIRE #24: 1809 NAPOLEON EN AUTRICHE Ebelsberg, Vienne, Essling 1 vol, 112 pgs $28 USD

TRADITION #243 May-June 2009 $12 USD and

TRADITION #244 July-Aug 2009 $12 USD (no table of contents listed)

From Belgium and Tondeur Editions:

DESSINS NAPOLEONIENS: La Planches De La Belle Alliance

DESSINS NAPOLEONIENS: Volume 6 in La Planches De La Belle Alliance. all color plates 1 vol, 56 pgs $30 USD

Walcheren 1809: L'Expediton Anglaise Au Jour B/w and color illust. 1 vol, 200 pgs $65 USD

(All of the above in French text)

From the U.K.:

MINIATURE WARGAMES: #315 JULY 2009 The Vendee Revolt Part 3; Sacile 1809-The French in Italy; Bladensburg and the fall of Washington; The Lamian War-Alexander's successors fall out; Morocco on Flames-Spain and the Rif war and more. 1 vol, 72 pgs. $9 USD (English text)

[All of the above arriving in 2-3 weeks.]

And from the U.S.:

Snappy Nappy: Simple, Subtle & Ultrafast Miniature Rules for the Napoleonic Era ($29 USD) arrived from the printer. Price includes free copy of Napoleon magazine #17 and Emperor Triumphant music CD (while supplies last). $29 USD (English text - here now)

Also, not Napoleonic, but from Italy:

SOLDATANI #76 MAY-JUNE 2009. Bachi-Bouzouk 200mm, Granatiere 1st Foot Guards 1704 54mm, La battaglia della Staffarda, and more. $14 USD (Italian and English text - arriving in 2-3 weeks)

All from OMM:

For more information