To keep those ACW troops from getting confused and not knowing where to go and what to do, we have just released two packs of Mounted Personalities, consisting of ten mounted generals for both the Union and Confederate armies.
15ACW-68 - Union Personalities - This pack contains ten mounted generals, consisting of Burnside, McClellan, Meade, Sheridan, Hooker, Grant, Sherman, Howard, Thomas and Custer - $16.50 USD

15ACW-69 - Confederate Personalities - This pack contains ten mounted generals, consisting of Lee, Longstreet, Jackson, Stuart, Ewell, Pickett, Bragg, Forest, Hood and Joseph E. Johnston - $16.50 USD

There are more Blue Moon releases in the works, so keep watching for more announcements very soon. You can get this great new release on the website, as well as the Old Glory Corp manufacturers-direct website For our Old Glory Army members, your discount applies to all Blue Moon products. You can also follow us on Facebook.