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American Civil War Dice Sets Available

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Doug em4miniatures writes:

There may be a few boxes go out with Yankees on them but probably not. The word "Federal" is being used instead. Once I get a sample of the new box, I'll change the picture.

I'm also instructing that all future issues of the Federal set have the flag on a blue background.


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American Civil War

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Doug em4miniatures of em-4-Miniatures writes:

The first of our Themed Dice sets!

ACW dice set

American Civil War - Two sets, each of six dice in a plastic box. The "6" face is replaced by a full-color, and very durable, illustration - six different illustrations in each set.

ACW dice set

The Federal set has - Union Flag; General Grant; Union Soldier; Monitor; a Bugle; Crossed Revolvers. Pale blue dice with black spots - except the flag on a white die.

ACW dice set

The Confederate set has - Battle Flag; General Lee; Confederate Soldier; Merrimac; a Drum; a Cannon. Grey dice with yellow spots.

ACW dice set

Size of dice is 16mm. Price is £9.50 GBP per set, or £1.75 GBP for individual dice.

For more information