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Ziggurat Con Announced

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Ulfr Ericsson writes:

I will be sending a big box of miniatures to be used in most of thier gaming. Some Shadow run types, Fantasy and some historicals as well.

David Soderquist
Bronze Age Miniatures

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Ulfr Ericsson reports:

I just got this in an email. It would be cool to help these guys unwind and have a day of war-free wargaming.

To all manufacturers: If we could send these guys just a little stuff, it would go a long way.

Ziggurat (Temple of Ur)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Please read this article and consider providing something. Their con starts the 9th of June this year, so we only have about 25 days to get anything over in a timely manner (to meet their start day).

Here is their schedule:

9 June 2007

Sunday 1200-1600

2. Shadowrun
3. XCrawl
4. Magic Tournament (sealed deck - if they can get the cards)
5. Rifts
6. Babylon 5 RPG

Sunday 1600-1700

1. wind up games, prepare for next session
2. Drawings for free stuff

Sunday 1700-1830

Dinner break

Sunday 1830-finish

1. White Wolf system
2. Starship Troopers
3. Mechwarrior miniatures demo
4. Cyberpunk
5. Historic miniatures battles
6. D&D RPGA event


SPC David Amberson
A Co 86th Sig Bn
APO AE 09331

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