By V. Jay Stribling and The Jackson Gamers, this Battalion/Division level set of tactical wargame rules covers Napoleonic battles from The Pyramids to Placenoit 1797-1815. Also includes Appendices on Nationalities, Light & Guard Battalions, Rockets, Howitzers, Skirmishers, and National Notes on Skirmishers.
This game premiered at Historicon with two sold-out games: Wellington in India 1803 and Napoleon in Egypt 1801, using the 28mm armies of Mark Stevens.
The price of The Sound of the Guns is $16.00 USD plus S&H ($2.00 USD U.S.A/Canada and $6.00 USD International).
Your ordering options are:
- Via our Zshop at Amazon
- Via PayPal (use as recipient)
- Via Western Union using the Auction Payment Method (please contact us before ordering)
- Send a check/MO to
213 3rd St. NE Hickory NC 28601-5124 U.S.A
If you have any questions, please contact us.