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New Pirate Ships from Old Glory Shipyard

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Disco Joe writes:

I saw them at Fall In. They are very nice.

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Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian is a big fan of the Age of Sail, and these ships really speak to him - he loves transitional eras, and the Anglo-Dutch Wars was one of those.

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MrsMiniatureships Sponsoring Member of TMP of Merrimack Miniatures/Old Glory writes:

Old Glory Shipyard has released three new 25mm pirate ships. These are smaller ships that carry four to six guns each.

The ships are:

OGP40 - 4-Gun Sloop - $50.00 USD

Four-gun sloop

This ship measures approximately 8 5/8" from end to end, and is approximately 3 3/4" wide. This is a resin ship and comes with four guns, metal mast fittings, and wooden dowels for masts.

OGP41 - 4-Gun Brigantine - $50.00 USD

Four-gun brigantine

This ship measures approximately 10 ¼" from end to end and is approximately 3 3/4" wide. This is a resin ship and comes with four guns, metal mast fittings, and wooden dowels for masts.

OGP42 - 6-Gun Schooner - $75.00 USD

Six-gun schooner

This ship measures approximately 14 3/4" from end to end and is approximately 3 5/8" wide. This is a resin ship and comes with six guns, metal mast fittings, a helmsmen, and wooden dowels for masts.

These pirate ships will work well with the Warhammer pirate rules.

As always, the 40% discount applies for our Old Glory Army members.

For more information