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Chilean Infantry Released for Liberators!

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Liberators writes:

No apologies necessary! I was using your joke to make a point about why I launched this line of miniatures. Thanks for your follow up post and kind words.

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Liberators of Grenadier Productions writes:

Sculptor Mike Broadbent's newest addition to the Liberators! Miniatures line of 15mm South American Independence figures in now in stock.

Chilean fusileros

Chilean infantry in 1817-1823 uniform are available for sale at These 15mm figures sell for $6 USD each for a pack of 8 fusileros, granaderos or cazadores; $4.50 USD for a pack of 6 command; or $18.00 USD for a unit pack of 24 figures, which includes 3 command, 3 granaderos, 3 cazadores and 15 fusileros.

Chilean command

Napoleonic wargaming in South America: with Liberators! Miniatures, a whole new theater with dozens of previously unexplored battles and campaigns opens for your gaming enjoyment. Mike and I are creating a line that reflects this exciting history: dynamic, historically precise figures shaping history on the tabletop. Each figure is sculpted to give a sense of action and emotion. Alongside the previously released Royalist infantry and the upcoming Argentine infantry, Chilean infantry are one of the core building blocks for this exciting era. These new Chilean infantry allow you to build the battalions that fought at Talcahuano, Cancha Rayada, Maipo, Ica, Torata and Moquegua.

Visit here today to order. While you're there, be sure to browse the rest of the Liberators! line of miniatures and books.

For more information