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Eureka Miniatures Announce More New Tony Barton Napoleonics

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helmet101 writes:

In von Winterfeldt's defense, I would like to say that, even if I don't care that much in the end for the small mistake, I appreciate that he pointed the official way to load a musket and not let me assume (without even knowing) that all is as described by the sculptor.

For instance, without people like von Winterfeldt, I would probably still assume that all Napoleonic soldiers fight in their parade dress or that Roman soldiers were invariably dressed in red clothing.

So basically, thank you von Winterfeldt and all the people who dedicate a lot of their time to research far more than I do and share this extra knowledge.

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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

There is always room for a little improvement, even to Tony Barton's definitive range of 15mm Napoleonic miniatures, and Tony continues to fill in odd gaps and expand existing parts of the AB Figures collection.

AB Figures

This new release includes French Guard Grenadiers skirmishing; French Grenadiers skirmishing in greatcoats, a French Cuirassier Eagle Bearer, and some redesigned and expanded variants for the 1812 Prussians. We have also taken this opportunity to reorganise and clarify the various "firing" and "loading" artillery figures for all nationalities across the range.

French generals who are bored with seeing their Imperial Guard battalions stiffly at attention, hanging around in reserve and just observing the action from the rear, can now throw caution to the wind and send out their Old Guard in full skirmish order! For we have a selection of firing and loading Grenadier of the Guard figures all keen to demonstrate their famous French élan. And if the thought of seeing your Guard Grenadiers charging off in open order makes you a little nervous, these same figures can of course take their place in the formed line (for those of you who like to model a battalion in the act of discharging a volley).

We can also now provide French Grenadiers in greatcoats, once again skirmishing in various firing and loading poses. The ubiquitous greatcoat means these figures can be used to represent any French Grenadiers, from either the Guard or the line - in fact, why not mix them with the new Guard Grenadier skirmishers for a typical, mixed dress, "on campaign" look to your units?

Other new figures include a French Cuirassier Eagle Bearer (a notable omission from the range until now). The 1812 Prussian Musketeer in marching pose, and 1812 Prussian Jäger skirmishing, have both been re-mastered and new variants added, and a new variant has been added to the Prussian infantry officer with sword code. The 1812 Prussian Uhlan trooper, officer, and trumpeter figures have all been re-mastered, with some variants completely redesigned.

We have also tried to clarify what variants are available under each of the artillery crew codes for all the nations in the AB Figures Napoleonic range. Customers will now find pictures on our website showing all the figure variants associated with each "firing" and "loading" product code. In a few armies, the "firing" and "loading" crew figures were previously all lumped together under the one code, so we have sub-divided and recoded some figures to correctly define the different crew types. In most cases, each artillery crew code has four different figure variants (some have more). Remember - these are not sets - you order the figures individually, in whatever quantity you want. We supply the variants randomly, but in most cases an order of at least four figures from a particular artillery crew code will get you a representative sample of all four available figure variants. The next edition of our CD catalogue will be updated with the same images around the middle of this year.

Customers are also reminded that they can order full-colour printed flags specifically for the AB Figures range from Fighting 15s in the U.K.

AB Figures

Here are the details for these new figures and revisions:

15/18mm AB Figures - New Figures and Improvements

French Infantry

AB-IG09 Grenadier of the Guard, skirmishing
AB-F52 Grenadier, bearskin, skirmishing, greatcoat,

(can also be used for Grenadiers of the Guard)

French Cavalry

AB-F39 Cuirassier Eagle Bearer

1812 Prussian Infantry

AB-PR01 Musketeer, marching (re-mastered / new variants)
AB-PR07 Officer, with sword (new variant)
AB-PR15 Jäger, skirmishing (re-mastered / new variants)
1812 Prussian Cavalry
AB-PR41 Uhlan trooper
AB-PR42 Uhlan officer
AB-PR43 Uhlan trumpeter

Reorganised Artillery Codes


AB-IF70a Foot artillery crewman, firing
AB-IF70b Foot artillery crewman, loading
AB-IF72a Horse artillery crewman, firing
AB-IF72b Horse artillery crewman, loading

Jena Prussians

AB-JP25a Foot artillery crewman, firing
AB-JP25b Foot artillery crewman, relaying
AB-JP26a Horse artillery crewman, firing
AB-JP26b Horse artillery crewman, loading

Prussians 1812-1815

AB-PR50a Foot artillery crewman, firing
AB-PR50b Foot artillery crewman, loading
AB-PR54a Horse artillery crewman, firing
AB-PR54b Horse artillery crewman, loading

Russians 1805-1811

AB-ER45a Foot artillery crewman, firing
AB-ER45b Foot artillery crewman, loading

(Remaining Napoleonic artillery codes in the AB Figure range remain unchanged, but all associated variants are now illustrated in the website catalogue.)

These miniatures can also be ordered in the U.K. from Fighting 15s, and in the U.S.A. from Eureka Miniatures U.S.A.

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