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Perry Mercenaries Have Arrived

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jay138 writes:

nice link kingscarbine ,i'm new to this period so this well provide alot info about this very interesting era.I just got some perry wotr plastics(first plastics and 28mm) in the mail, me and my son just got finished putting them together and WOW! these are awesome, love the poses, Will be ordering these soon (Hopefuly).

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Michael Perry of Perry Miniatures writes:

The first batch of Mercenaries: European Infantry 1450-1500 have arrived at Perry Miniatures and should, by the time you read this, be winging their way to those of you who have pre-ordered.

Mercenary boxed sets

The box contains 40 multi-part plastic figures that can be assembled as pikemen (up to 18), crossbowmen (up to 12), handgunners (up to 12)or halbardiers (up to 12), plus four command and other useful bits.

Painted mercenaries

As you can see, Steve May has painted up a unit of Burgundian pikemen (and according to the 1472 ordinance which prescribed them to carry targes). I should be able to show a couple of complete boxes painted up on TMP before Christmas, with any luck.

I've just about finished a number of metal Swiss heads, which will be able soon to be used in conjunction with the plastic box for a more 'Swiss feel'. Also a bunch of metal early Tudor soft-hatted heads which would cover the 1490-1520 period.

'Mercenaries' European Infantry 1450-1500

28mm hard-plastic multi-part miniatures

Designed by Michael Perry

Code WR 20   £18.00 GBP +P&P