Wow, it's already been a month since our last content drop of cool Specialist Games articles. Here we are with Fanatic Online Issue 85.
![Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus](news/pics/2006/nov/242437a.jpg)
We kick things off this month with a fully revised and updated rules set for Adeptus Titanicus. Thanks to Michael Lovejoy creating this PDF. These rules were first published in early issues of Epic magazine, they changed quite dramatically in later issues as we received feedback and through our own playtesting experience. Michael went back through all the updates and put the changes into the source document that we have published today.
Next, Nick Jakos presents us with a selection of Necromunda scenarios that all involve the capture or rescue of gang members.
Finally for this issue, we have an example for the Warmaster campaign competition we are currently running. In this campaign by Warmaster champion, Ken South, we delve back into Warhammer history and follow Azhag the Slaughterer's invasion into the Empire.
![Orcs Orcs](news/pics/2006/nov/242437b.jpg)
I have to apologise to Inquisitor players for the absence of the competition results article. Unfortunately, I've been at of the office for the majority of time this week due to being on numerous training courses (including the always inane time management course) this has – ironically – left me short on time and so I've had to delay the competition results which will be published at a later date.