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Black Hat: Workbench Update

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IUsedToBeSomeone writes:


I can't take credit for the design of the marines, as they were originally sculpted for Apocalypse Miniatures but never released and I was lucky enough to pick them up on ebay…

I agree though, I like the style over the weapon heavy over-armoured norm.


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3,038 hits since 17 Aug 2008

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Mike Lewis of Black Hat Miniatures writes:

We have updated our Previews page with some photos of the new items we are currently working on, just to give you an idea of what is coming up.

15mm Marlburian

These include:

  • 15mm Marlburians - a whole new range of 15mm WSS figures - these are 15mm to the eye
  • 28mm SF Marines
  • and finally, a Sedan Chair - 4 different passengers and 4 different sedan carriers with separate heads for our Three Musketeers range
SF Marines

We also have new releases to come in the Tales of the Dragon Kings range.

More news on release dates once we have them...

For more information