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PTA Releases A13 Cruiser Tank Model

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Macaroni writes:

A very cool and generous idea.

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nebeltex of Paper Tiger Armaments writes:

So, you would like an A13 cruiser tank for 20mm gaming?

There is a nice one available in cast metal for £11.50 GBP (not including shipping). If you need more than one, the expenses could add up...

OR you can download our paper-model version here for free. Available in continental green and/or desert camouflage, you are welcome to build as many as you need. With knowledge of a few steps in graphic programs, they can be scaled up or down to size as needed.

A13 Cruiser Tank (desert camouflage)

If you have some modeling skills, this is a good way to try out our creations - and save yourself a lot of money in the long run.

A13 Cruiser Tank (continental green)
