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Khalkin Gol Scenario Posted [PK]

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SBminisguy writes:

"To say that "no one" has heard of it is simply foolish."

Then call me a fool, for most people in this land barely know about Pearl Harbor, let alone the Nomonhan War. One of my nephews, in 3rd grade, when asked about WW2 said, "Oh yeah, that's when we dropped the Bomb on the Japanese and put them in prison."

What!?!? I looked at his Elementary School text book. It had a section on WW2 with BIG call out boxes highlighting Hiroshima and Manzanar. That's the state of knowledge. You've been to command college and studied military history. What's that compared to general population, let alone wargaming, let alone historical gaming, let alone pre-WW2 interwar 20th century wargaming. S0 yeah, the war nobody ever heard of.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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John Cunningham announces:

Hi, all!

Khalkin Gol is one of the most important little wars that nobody has ever heard of. It's interesting from a history and gaming stand point.

Khalkin Gol scenario

I've uploaded a scenario on this designed for the Panzer Korps rules. The 23rd Division and elements of the 7th Division of the Army of Kwantung must force a crossing of the Halha River and advance into Mongolia. The Soviets must stop them. An interesting scenario - the Japanese player needs to remember to move quickly to accomplish his objectives before Soviet reinforcements arrive.

Khalkin Gol scenario map

Panzer Korps is a divisional-level game, by the way and lots more can be found at its Yahoo! Group:

Enjoy! I hope to see more on this, and am especially interested in skirmish-level gaming myself.

For more information