Newest Flags ~ 2009 ~ all in 28mm
Email for full lists… Most of the early ranges have now been reworked to match the quality of the newest flags.
Standard packs £3.00 GBP, second battalion (special) packs £4.00 GBP, New 40mm Range £7.00 GBP

Austria ~ Cavalry , Seven Years War
SYAC 1 - Kuirassier Regiment Von Gelhay (Scarlet, gold embroidery.)
SYAC 2 - Kuirassier Regiment Graf Luchessi d’Abarra (Scarlet, heavy gold embroidery.)
SYAC 3 - Kuirassier Regiment No.3. Erzherzog Leopold ( Rose red, silver embroidery.)
SYAC 4 - Kuirassier Regiment No.4. Erzherzog Ferdinand/Maxmilien (Rose red, silver)
SYAC 5 - Kuirassier Regiment No.8. Graf Pallfy (Scarlet, gold embroidery./coat of arms)
SYAC 6 - Kuirassier Regiment No.12. Graf Serbelloni (Green, gold embroidery.)
SYAC 7 - Kuirassier Regiment No.14. Graf O’Donnell (Blue, gold embroidery..)
SYAC 8 - Kuirassier Regiment No.21. Trautsmanndorf (Rose/Crimson, heavy gold embroidery)
SYAC 9 - Kuirassier Regiment No.22. von Kalckreuth (Red, silver embroidery.)
SYAC 10 - Kuirassier Regiment No.29. von Brettlach (Poppy Red , gold embroidery.)
SYAC 11 - Kuirassier Regiment No.33. Brandenburg-Ansbach-Bayreuth (Scarlet, gold embroidery.)
SYAC 12 - Kuirassier Regiment ( generic ). (Red, gold embroidery). – Regts without known flags
SYAC 13 - Hussar Regiment No.2. Kaiser Franz I. (deep blue)
SYAC 14 - Hussar Regiment No.11. Graf Nadasdy. (deep green)
SYAC 15 - Hussar Regiment No.16. Graf Karolyi (Rose Red)
SYAC 16 - Hussar Regiment No.17. Graf von Kalnoky (Madder Red)
SYAC 17 - Hussar Regiment No.24. Eszterhazy. (Madder Red)
SYAC 18 - Hussar Regiment No.30. Bodorfalva (Madder Red)
SYAC 19 - Hussar Regiment No.32. Graf Szecheny (deep blue)
SYAC 20 - Hussar Regiment No.34. Graf Desoffy (Carmine Red)
SYAC 21 - Hussar Regiment No.35. Von Morocz (Rose Red)
SYAC 22 - Hussar Regiment No.36. Graf Battyany (Rose Red)
Dragoons to follow
Prussian Hussar Regiments 1740~1807
Prc30 - 1st Hussars
Prc31 - 2nd Hussars
Prc32 - 3rd Hussars
Prc33 - 4th Hussars
Prc34 - 5th Hussars
Prc35 - 6th Hussars
Prc36 - 7th Hussars
Prc37 - 8th Hussars (1743)
Prc38 - 9th Hussars (1758) became 8th
Prc39 - 10th Hussars (1773)
Russia ~ Cavalry, Seven Years War
SYRC1 - Permski Dragoon Regiment
SYRC2 - Viatski Dragoon Regiment
SYRC3 - Troitski Dragoon Regiment
SYRC4 - Moskovski Dragoon Regiment
SYRC5 - Nijegorodski Dragoon Regiment
SYRC6 - Azovski Dragoon Regiment
SYRC7 - Rostovski Dragoon Regiment
Napoleonic Hanoverian Infantry Regiments 1813-15
HA1 - Feld Bataillon Hoya ( black , wreath & sword/cross- mit gott.) paired with a conjectural flag.
HA2 - Landwehr Bataillon Gifhorn ( Yellow, white horse & Oak tree ) & conjectural white flag
HA3 - Unknown ( based on descriptions - white with hanovarian horse on red disc ) & variant.
HA4 - Feld Bataillon Calenburg ( white, green wreath with motto ) & white with hanover crest variant
HA5 - Blue faced regts – centre GR III in wreath & white ‘king’s’ colour with white horse on red central.
HA6 - Red ground – centre GR III in wreath & white ‘king’s’ colour with white horse on red central.
HA7 - Green faced regts – centre GR III in wreath & white ‘king’s’ colour with white horse on red central.
HA8 - King’s colours – based on SYW and surviving post 1815 flags. White with Arms of Hanover, fringed
HA9 - King’s colours – based on SYW and surviving post 1815 flags. White with Arms of Hanover, no fringe
HA10 - Yellow faced regts – centre GR III in wreath & white ‘king’s’ colour with white horse on red central.
Saxon Infantry 1811-15
Standards ordered in 1807 did not reach regiments until 1811.
SA2 - Konig Regiment (Orange/red) ) carried the Ordinarfahne after 1812 (Leibfahne lost )
SA3 - Prinz Anton Regiment ( Deep sky blue ) 1811-1812
SA4 - Prinz Clements Regiment ( Deep sky blue )
SA5 - Prinz Maximilien Regiment ( Yellow ) 1811-1812
SA6 - Prinz Friedrich August Regiment ( Green ) 1811-1815 Replacements were made (heroic conduct)
SA7 - Von Low Regiment (Green) 1811-1812
SA8 - Von Niesemeuschel Regiment ( Crimson ) carried the Leibfahne after 1812 (Ordinarfahne lost)
SA9 - Von Rechten Regiment 1811-1812 – This is the embroidered crimson flag ordered in 1807 (delivered in 1811) The facing colour changed to yellow in 1810 – but I can find no mention of a yellow flag. Four sources say crimson or Carmine. A yellow 1802 flag ( from the disbanded Von Burgherrn/ Sanger Regt)was issued in 1813 to replace flags lost in Russia.
I am currently working on the 1802 flags – I have a list of the flags lost in Russia and some clues if not definite information on which of the 1802 flags were issued to replace them.
1813-15 packs for Prinz Maximilien, Von Rechten, Prinz Anton and Von Low will be added to supplement the existing packs.

American/Continental Army of the War of Independence
WIA35 - Maryland, crest central, on gold fringed striped flag with blue grand division flag. ( red faced regts. ) – conjectural – 2nd Regt
WIA36 - Maryland, crest central, on gold fringed blue flag with buff grand division flag. ( buff faced regts. ) - conjectural – Smallwood’s Regt.
WIA37 - Tarleton captured flags. One light yellow, one blue. Both with central ‘regiment’ scroll.
WIA38 - Red Grand division flags x2. Red field, with 13 red and white stripes in the canton.
WIA39 - Blue Grand division flags x2. Blue field, with 13 red and white stripes in the canton.
WIA40 - White Grand division flags x2. White field, with 13 red and white stripes in the canton.
WIA41 - Buff Grand division flags x2. Buff field, with 13 red and white stripes in the canton.
WIA42 - Stark's New Hampshire Militia
WIA43 - Easton Stripes & bars. Blue flag, 13 -8 pointed stars central, with red/white striped canton ( Militia)
WIA44 - Ex King’s Militia – Union canton unpicked and replaced with 13 stripes. Red.
WIA45 - Militia flags – Liberty / circle of stars – white flags.
French Cavalry Regiments (SYW/WSS)
SYFC1 - Gendarmes de Berry & d’Orleans
SYFC2 - Guard Musketeers
SYFC3 - Mestre de Camp General
SYFC4 - Regiment Royal
SYFC5 - Regiment du Roi
SYFC6 - Royal Etranger
SYFC7 - Cuirassiers du Roi
SYFC8 - Royal Cravattes
SYFC9 - Royal Roussillon
SYFC10 - Royal Piemont
SYFC11 - Royal Allemand
SYFC12 - Royal de Carabiniers
SYFC13 - Royal Pologne
SYFC15 - Dauphin
SYFC25 - Cavalerie Regt Chevalier – Duc Sully
SYFC26 - Cavalerie Regt La Tournelle
SYFC27 - Regt de Dragons, Royal, du Roi
SYFC28 - Regt de Dragons, Languedoc
SYFC29 - Regt de Dragons, Firmancon
SYFC30 - Compagnies des Grenadiers & Chevau-leger (garde)
SYFC31 - Gendarmes de Bretagne & d'Anjou
SYFC32 - Gendarmes Dauphin & La Reine
SYFC33 - Regt de Dragons, La Reine
SYFC40 - Regt de Dragons (red, sun and motto both sides)
SYFC41 - Regt de Dragons (blue, sun and motto both sides)
SYFC42 - Regt de Dragons (green, sun and motto both sides)
SYFC43 - Regt de Dragons (yellow, sun and motto both sides)

Royalist Foot/Parliamentarian Foot
ECWR49 - Sky blue, stars and colonels with Borage flower.*
ECWR50 - Sky blue, white stars.*
ECWP39 - Green colours, small white crosses (1) #
ECWP40 - Green colours, small white crosses (2) #
ECWP41 - Red colours, small white crosses (1) #
ECWP42 - Red colours, small white crosses (2) #
ECWP43 - Yellow colours, black roses (1) as U11 #
ECWP44 - Yellow colours, black roses (2) asU12 #
* possibly another of Prince Rupert's Regts.
# Possible Regts of Newcastle's army