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Blaze Away Acquires 28mm Australian Light Horse Range

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Rob UK writes:

Interesting looking figures

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The Blaze Away Mob of Blaze Away Miniatures & Models writes:

As the new website is nearing completion, we thought we'd share some info with you.

Dismounted ALH Troopers

We've recently acquired the 28mm Australian Light Horse range from WarTime Miniatures.

All the figures are available, and we've managed to reduce the price to make them more attractive. We'll be looking at adding poses soon, so suggestions welcome.

Berbers/Tuaregs with hand weapons

Our popular 28mm Berber/Tuareg range is expanding, and we've got some nicely painted samples appearing.

Also, we've included the revised version of Greg Blake's Yanks up the Yangtze rules. These have been kindly submitted by Darryl Smith.

Plus we'll release a quality new range sometime in December.