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New Roman Seas Ships & Buildings

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GreyONE writes:

"Wife would kill me! So what would we do for rules?"

We are working on a set of rules specifically for 1/300th scale Roman ship models. The game is designed to be played on a 5-inch hex mat — we will be brining this game to Enfilade (in Olympia, Washington State, USA June 9th-11th).

As for your wife… hmmm… 1/300th scale models are hard to hide. Without masts, however, which is how most of the warships entered combat, you can get a lot of models into a relatively small box. I have 80 ship models in a 3ft x 2ft x 2ft card board box, and there is room to spare, and this includes 12 Saxon ships, 3 large merchant ships and 6 small merchants ships, all of which have masts attached.

Also, be aware that the cost for a small fleet (say, 20 ships or so) can be as little as $60, and this includes the basing. Roman Seas is not an huge expenditure of cash or time. (my girlfriend went for this aspect, although her hobby of gardening eats up 10 times what I spend on gaming).


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3,232 hits since 16 May 2006

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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GreyONE of Hotz Stuff writes:

Hotz ArtWorks presents: New 1/300th (6mm) scale Ancient Roman PDF Ship and Building Models

Roman Merchant Ships: Cortiba (grain ship) and small merchant ship)
New Ship Models:
6 Merchant ships are contained with the Merchant Ship Set, and 8 Warships are contained within the Barbarian vs Rome Navy Set - for a total of 14 new ship models. Play historical convoy actions (Caesar vs Pompey, or Octavian vs Sextus Pompeius), great naval actions (such as the Romans vs the Veneti in 68BC, or fight the naval actions of the Saxons vs the Romans off the coast of Britain during the 4th and 5th Centuries AD).
New Building Models:
Two new building model sets are now available and these include a Roman military hospital, horse stables, a granary, a market building, small Roman apartments, large military barracks, military headquarter building and an aqueduct set (complete with the famous arched spans, and includes the termination arch and water house).
Saxon War Galleys

Now you can play almost any historical ancient Roman naval scenario. Roman Seas gives you the ability to play large naval games with a low investment of time and money. You no longer have to be rich and retired to play ancient Roman naval games. Print as many ships as you need; build a fleet over a weekend; build Rome in under five days.

Quick, easy and inexpensive. What more can you ask?

For more information