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Eureka Miniatures Release Toy Town Soldiers & Chess Set

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Barks1 writes:

Yes, but where's the Osprey book? And prepaints?

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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JSadler of Eureka Miniatures writes:

If your idea of a traditional Christmas is an Edwardian childhood game of toy soldiers, then Mike Broadbent has made a range of very toy-like toy soldiers - straight out of the toy box and ready to march across the nursery floor.

28mm Toy Soldiers

Inspired by the traditional toymakers, these are 'peg'-like soldiers - including two types of infantry, in shako or Busby, and each of these in turn are available in either marching pose, or standing at attention. Busby- or shako-wearing command figures (officer, drummer, and standard bearer) in marching pose or at attention are also provided. The cavalry have been divided into shako-wearing 'lights' and helmet-wearing 'heavies' – all riding their distinctive Toy Town mounts, and these too can be supplemented with appropriate command figures. There is also an artillery set, mounted officers/generals, and even some defences in the form of a building block barricade to take cover behind (the latter can be used for all our Toy Town ranges – such as our 28mm Teddy Bears). All they need is a nice, bright, glossy paintjob.

28mm Toy Soldiers Chess Set

For those seeking something a little more mentally stimulating, Mike Broadbent has turned a selection of these miniatures into a delightful Toy Town chess set. The set includes all 32 figures required to make up the set, and each figure comes with its own chesspiece base to mount the finished figure on. You just have to decide which eye-catching, contrasting colour scheme you want to paint them in and provide a board to play on.

Here are the catalogue details for the new models:

28mm Toy Town Soldiers

Designed & sculpted by Mike Broadbent

Variants in parenthesises. Variants are supplied randomly.

100TTS01 - Toy Town Soldier in shako, at attention (1)
100TTS02 - Toy Town Soldier Officer in shako, at attention (1)
100TTS03 - Toy Town Soldier Drummer in shako, at attention (1)
100TTS04 - Toy Town Soldier Standard Bearer in shako, at attention (1)
100TTS05 - Toy Town Soldier in shako, marching (1)
100TTS06 - Toy Town Soldier Officer in shako, marching (1)
100TTS07 - Toy Town Soldier Drummer in shako, marching (1)
100TTS08 - Toy Town Soldier Standard Bearer in shako, marching (1)
100TTS09 - Toy Town Soldier in Busby, at attention (1)
100TTS10 - Toy Town Soldier Officer in Busby, at attention (1)
100TTS11 - Toy Town Soldier Drummer in Busby, at attention (1)
100TTS12 - Toy Town Soldier Standard Bearer in Busby, at attention (1)
100TTS13 - Toy Town Soldier in Busby, marching (1)
100TTS14 - Toy Town Soldier Officer in Busby, marching (1)
100TTS15 - Toy Town Soldier Drummer in Busby, marching (1)
100TTS16 - Toy Town Soldier Standard Bearer in Busby, marching (1)
100TTS17 - Toy Town Soldier Light Cavalry trooper (1)
100TTS18 - Toy Town Soldier Light Cavalry Officer (1)
100TTS19 - Toy Town Soldier Light Cavalry Trumpeter (1)
100TTS20 - Toy Town Soldier Light Cavalry Standard Bearer (1)
100TTS21 - Toy Town Soldier Heavy Cavalry trooper (1)
100TTS22 - Toy Town Soldier Heavy Cavalry Officer (1)
100TTS23 - Toy Town Soldier Heavy Cavalry Trumpeter (1)
100TTS24 - Toy Town Soldier Heavy Cavalry Standard Bearer (1)
100TTS25 - Toy Town Soldier Mounted Officer (1)
100TTS26 - Toy Town Soldier General, on horse (1)
100TTS27 - Toy Town Soldier Artillery piece & four crew (1)
100TTS28 - Toy Town Barricade – building block cover for all Toy Town ranges (1)
100TTS29 - Toy Town Soldier Chess Set – 32 figures and playing piece bases


For a strictly limited time, all orders of $100.00 AUD or more will receive a free Toy Town building block barricade (100TTS28) worth $15.00 AUD.

These miniatures and many others can be ordered in the U.K. from Fighting 15s and in North America from Eureka Miniatures U.S.A.

For more information