Fantasy Monsters: Demons
Available now from RPGNow - $4.95 USD
Set of eight classic monster types for your fantasy games. This set includes one of each: Succubus, Incubus, Horned Demon, Fire Demon, Homunculus, Hell Hound, Cerberus and Demon Lord. This is a great set to bulk out your monster collection and add more challenges for your players.
This set is just one set from a full selection of fantasy and sci-fi figures - see the sets available and free downloads on my PRODUCTS page. More bases can be found on the page, and more trays on the TRAYS page.
All One Monk Miniatures papercraft are designed in 30mm scale, and rendered in 300dpi for maximum detail and color. All One Monk Miniatures feature full front-and-back artwork, simple construction, and are designed to look like traditional miniatures. Every model set includes the colored models ready to print and play, but also includes uncolored versions as a printable PDF and high-res graphic, ready for you to color with markers or with your favorite digital paint program. All One Monk model sets are DRM free! All of the PDFs are unlocked so you can copy and paste from the PDFs and share with your game group.
Visit One Monk Miniatures for more information about this models set and loads of other models, free sample sets, extra bases, and loads more at