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Brigade Models: 2mm ACW Forts Released

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Khazarmac writes:

Marvellous! Fascinating (but not surprising) how similar they look to the British forts built against a possible invasion by Napoleon III.

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American Civil War
19th Century

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Personal logo Tony Francis Sponsoring Member of TMP of Brigade Models writes:

As a change from our usual output of spaceships and grav tanks, we have some new historical items in our Small Scale Scenery range.

Meet Forts McRee, Moultrie and Pulaski, fine examples of coastal forts of the American Civil War, primarily of brick construction. We've upped the detail level a step further, and both Moultrie and Pulaski come with separate, tiny, white-metal cannons to line the upper walls (McRee's guns were all under cover).

ACW Forts

All available from the website now, along with the guns, which are available separately.

SSS-8046 – Fort Moultrie – £7.50 GBP
SSS-8047 – Fort Pulaski – £7.50 GBP
SSS-8048 – Fort McRee – £5.00 GBP
SSS-8049 – Fort Guns (x28) – £1.50 GBP

If you haven't come across it before, our Small Scale Scenery range is loosely billed as '2mm' scale. The models are all made to 1 :1000th scale, and will suit 2mm figures or 1:1200th aircraft and naval models. They also work well with larger scale aircraft models (we use 1:600th models with our buildings for WWII aircraft games). The range now encompasses almost fifty sets of buildings, including various types of houses, factories, farms and forts, both historical and VSF.

For more information

Text edited by Editor Hebber
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian