Hear no Good, See no Good, Speak no Good
Such is the creed and teachings of the Necromancers. Until 6th February 2025, we are including automatically for free three brand-new 28mm scale miniatures in every order shipped out across the world. You need do nothing but place an order which is sent out by us (no digital-book-only orders, sorry) and we will include them. As many orders as you like, of any size; plus you can purchase them too and you will still get the three free included. See our Current and Formerly Free Codes Collected and read on.

Those players who collect the Undead often look for interesting skeletons of a comedy or unique pose. As many will know at Alternative Armies, we keep a list of 'requested new miniatures' from our customers, and that we create what is top of the list. Our first free code of 2025 is just that. A riff on the pictorial maxim of 'see, hear, speak no evil'. Well, Necromancers are evil, so no good will be done by these bone fellows.
VNT62 – Three Wise Skeletons

This pack contains three different 28mm scale metal miniatures to add to your forces of the Undead. The pack gives a saving over single purchases too. Sculpted by Sam Croes. The single miniatures are VNT62-01 to VNT62-03 on the website.

These new Skeletons fit right in with our VNT Undead Legions and with the classic Asgard FM range, such as the shown FM27v2 Half Troll Chieftain (35mm tall).

This month has three main thrusts to it for you to explore and enjoy, and you have now seen the first (well seen, heard and spoke it!) and it gives a clue to the new releases happening over coming weeks, which will all be Undead in this scale! We also aim to have Furioso 16th Century rules and Sengoku Monster Hunter: Rampage back in print, and to have a resolution to and begin shipping once more to the EU/EEA and Northern Ireland. News on these as they happen, of course.
January Joy 2025
It is the darkest and coldest month of the year, and we aim to bring you some joy within it. To this end, see our Deals and Offers page for not only all our usual bundles, armies, packs and so on at 5% or more reduced, but also three fantastic 50%-off codes from now until 6th February. We will speak on each of these in detail across January. Here they are:
VNT19 – Ogre Cavalry

Sitting atop a Rhino. this Ogre wears armor including a spiked helmet, and carries a club, as well as a shield made from an 'inn door'. A 28mm scale metal-and-resin model (50mm tall sitting on his Rhino) at half price during January Joy! Example painted by OliHot27 over on Instagram. In our Monsters and Creatures range.
HOTR05 – Trolls

One of our resin 15mm fantasy codes, this sprue contains two different Trolls good for any game system. Choose from a sprue of two, a pack of four sprues, or bundle containing 32 Trolls. Half price during January Joy! We also have Orc Horde, Archers, Boar Riders, and much more. All in the HOT 15mm fantasy range.
MRX1 – Early 16th Century Gun

Booming across battlefields in the 16th Century, this cannon fits in many armies and mercenary companies. It is one of several in the Furioso range of artillery and gun crews. Half price during January Joy!