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Vexillia Acquire 15mm Napoleonic Ottoman Range

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vexillia writes:

All infantry & artillery now sorted, organsied and placed in stock. Cavalry next week.

Martin Stephenson
Vexillia: Wargames Miniatures & Accessories

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vexillia of Vexillia Limited writes:

Vexillia are pleased to announce the acquisition of the extensive range of Napoleonic Ottoman figures from One Tree Miniatures.

15mm Napoleonic Ottoman figures

The range is sculpted in the modern 18mm style, and consists of 32 codes covering infantry, cavalry and artillery; including command packs. Many of the figures will be suitable for later periods, especially the militia infantry and light cavalry.

A considerable amount of stock is being shipped to the Vexillia nerve center, and will take at least a week to sort and organize. I hope to be in a position to process orders by Monday, 1 August 2011. In the meantime, there's a webpage, complete with pictures of all the packs, for advance orders.

In due course, I will be re-releasing the PDF painting guide produced by One Tree Miniatures - once I have a re-branded edition. If you would like this before it is added to the website, get in touch via the website.

E.U. prices now include VAT. To compensate for this, there will be a special introductory offer of twelve packs for the price of eleven for E.U. customers only. Offer expires 31 August 2011. There's no code required - just order as normal, and the discount will be refunded once the order has been processed.

These figures have not had any international distribution. If you are an E.U., North American or Australasian retailer and interested in stocking this range, get in touch via the website.

Finally, I'd like to thank Mark of One Tree Miniatures for his professionalism during the sale, and wish him luck in his new ventures.

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