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28mm Cell Block for Mean Sets Now at TVAG

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Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP of The Virtual Armchair General writes:

28mm Mean Sets

For Pulp and Gangster Gamers, a long overdue addition to Mean Sets – The Prison/Jail Cell Block!

Sooner or later, your RPG characters are going to wind up in the clink – overnight if you're lucky, life if you're not, or only until the firing squad in the morning if you're really in trouble. If the state doesn't have you, the villain of your scenario does, and your next move is to figure a way to break out! If your characters have never been in the slammer, you've never really had much of an adventure, have you? So here's your chance to add that drama to your next game-and at a bargain price!

Right Rear Cell

This latest cardstock-and-foamboard, self-assembly model is a snap, but not least because it comes without the details shown – bars or furnishings so you can complete it as you may prefer. Instead of the usual Ten-Spot price for the PDF, this one is only $6.00 USD, postpaid, and delivered by email, as ever. The file includes separate full-color period pin-ups, art and calendars, and there are even hash marks on some walls, counting the days/months/years passed!

Right Rear Cell

But if you want the whole nine yards, the optional Cell Block Accessory Set has been specifically designed to complete this model to a "T." For $10.00 USD, plus postage, this set includes everything needed fully to furnish three cells with three sinks, loo's, double bunkbeds, and six-count 'em-six fold-up cardstock mattresses, plus seven sets of bars for all six cells and the end of the corridor. These finely detailed 3Dprinted items come unpainted and may be used as desired.

 Left Rear Cell

And to prove that we're nothing if not OCD when it comes to these projects, three more models will comprise an entire sub-set of Mean Sets/Streets – The Prison Yard and Main Gate (with gun towers), Prison Dining Hall, and the Warden's Office/Infirmary are already designed, and will be added with the completion of the prototype models. Watch for the news!

Just follow here to see this 30th addition to the ever-growing range for all your 28mm RPG scenic needs!