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The Wars of the Roses Available Now

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Volleyfire writes:

The contents are comprehensive, every WotR battle is in there, plus a few more, along with advice on how to choose your own livery if you want to field your own retinue, and how to run a campaign plus lots of other tips. 148 pages in all, with colour photos supplied by the Perry's to whet your appetite.

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792 hits since 20 Dec 2024

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Warlord Games announces:

Battle for control of England's future in the bloody Wars of the Roses!

The War of the Roses

This all-new supplement for Hail Caesar lets you fight through the savage medieval civil wars that raged across England in the 15th Century – packed with rules and scenarios to re-fight some of the most dramatic battles ever fought on English soil.

Order from the Warlord Games webstore to get a free special-edition Richard III, King of England miniature!

For more information