With our introduction of our new French & Indian War range From Trident Designs and the reception it is already getting, we are giving away a free 40mm figure to the first 25 people who email us. These are for individuals who are considering 40mm for the FIW or even using a few to skirmish with. We would like to put one of them in your hands so you can take a closer look at them.

Also, you must be in the U.S.A. to get the free figure. The cost of shipping overseas would be a bit expensive.
I know it is tempting when you hear free figure to jump in line, but if you're really not interested, you are limiting someone who may be from getting a sample.
So far, we have Eastern Indians, British Light Infantry, French Regulars and Grenadiers. Just email us with your name and address and let us know which of the figure types you would like. We will also send you our plans for what we are looking at producing in this range. Your input is also welcome. We think this is going to be the finest range we have so far. Our email is msc1d@aol.com.